CAE Performance Products
Custom Starter Information Sheet

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Billing / Business name :
*Contact Person :
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*City / Suburb :
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*Email address :
Vehicle Information
*Vehicle make :
*Vehicle model :
*Engine : *Please Select: V8 V6 4cyl 6cyl
Transmission : Brand Auto Man

Starter Specifications

There is more information about how to measure and calculate the Starter Specifications below.

*Vehicle Voltage: Please select: 12V 24V
*Spigot Diameter: Please enter Diameter mm
*Pinion at Rest: Please enter Measurement mm
*Pinion Diameter: Please enter Diameter mm
*Pinion teeth: Please enter Number of teeth

If you have any other comments about the starter please put them in the text box below.

Help: The asterisk (*) next to an entry means you must enter a name, email or value etc.
If a field is left empty the form will not be processed.
If there are no specs. for a required measurements please enter the word NONE this will allow the form to be processed.
Please remember that to much information is better than not enough.
If you print this form it will print approximately 3 pages.

Specific requests :

CAE Performance Products
Main Road Chewton 3450 Mail: PO Box 686,
Castlemaine 3450 Vic. Australia
Phone: 03 54721442 FAX: 03 54724111

How to measure and calculate the Starter Specifications.

<---- Front

Pinion at Rest

Correct pinion & ring gear clearance is needed before starting the engine. If this is not correct, damage will occur. With the starter motor disengaged and mounted correctly, the pinion to ring gear clearance (Outer of mesh) should be 2 to 2.5mm See figure 1

Before fitting the Starter measured from the Contact Edge of Drive Plates Ring Gear to the Front Edge of the Starter Pinion in stationary Position. See Fig. 1

To Calculate the Outer of Mesh measure the distance from the Starter mounting face to the front side of the ring gear. A Then measure the Starter mounting face to the end of the pinion. B The difference between measurement A and B is the Out of Mesh clearance C

A....................      -     B.................... = C

If this is less than 2mm then the shim spacers will be needed. Shims are available on request.

Spigot Diameter

This is the diameter of the the spigot that locates the starter on the bell housing, engine etc as example shown in Fig 2 below.

Fig 2

Operating Voltage

Operating Voltage is the specified voltage the starter is designed for. This will be either 12 Volts or 24 Volts.


12v starter can run reliably using a 16v Battery.

Rotating End Blocks

Almost all Hi-Torque Gear Reduction starters feature rotational end blocks. This gives the customer the ability to rotate the starter body to obtain the correct clearance. This is done simply by removing the two screws that hold the aluminium block on the starter body, then rotate the starter body and replacing the screws.

CAE Performance Products
Main Road Chewton 3450 Mail: PO Box 686,
Castlemaine 3450 Vic. Australia
Phone: 03 54721442 FAX: 03 54724111

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